Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Im Amberley and this is my Fiance Robert.. So nice to meet you.

Our first blog entry.. kind of a big deal. Let me start by introducing us and who we are. We have become known as Roberley (Robert and Amberley) to most of our close friends. Mainly because we are connected at the hip and are basically the same person.... and thats where I get stuck. Who are we? Most people introduce themselves and the next breath say what it is they do.. well I (we) live for life. We create ways of making money that in no way define us but we enjoy. We are both vegan, yogis and live for love and travel. In the past year of our lives we have traveled nonstop across the country and back again hitting up more than 26 states. We spend our days hiking, readying, concocting vegan dishes, sharing love and creating art.  This blog is a way for our friends and family to keep track of us and for us to share our recipes, health advice, budget travel ideas, easy ways of making money and beliefs with anyone willing to follow us.  I hope you enjoy our blog and feel free to write in any questions you may have. 

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